For me the fact that Jesus forgives is a no-brainer, so I often wonder why a person would not give God a chance. After all, He forgives us of our sins, sets us free from our past and gives us hope for our future. Today It dawned on me. Maybe it's because as humans we have a hard time forgiving ourselves. I think people assume God won't accept them because of who they are or what they've done; because they have a hard time accepting their own mistakes.
We all need forgiveness. I think it's easier to forgive another person for a wrong doing than it is to forgive ourselves sometimes. The problem is we look at ourselves with no spiritual filter. We often spend our time dwelling on the negative, the what ifs or the shoulda coulda wouldas that when we look at ourselves in the mirror we are doing so with our eyes shut.
God sees us differently. He sees our future. He sees who we can become at any age or stage. He sees us with spiritual eyes, wide open.
It's time to open our spiritual eyes and stop allowing the rear view mirror of our life to be bigger than the windshield. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it tells us "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Your past may be part of your journey but it shouldn't define where you are going and who you will become. No matter how lost you think you are, forgiveness is not that far away. To truly experience the pure sweetness of Jesus' love and forgiveness you have to forgive your own heart. Allow the freedom of no longer being bound to your mistakes transform you and give you fresh perspective.