Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What Makes You Beautiful

My daughter loves the group, One Direction and loves to sing,"What Makes You Beautiful." Just like any good parent would do...I have a silly fun jam session with my 5 year-old, dancing and singing to the catchy song. If you haven't heard the song, google it. It's quite a fun song :) So, as the chorus played, God left an impression on my mind that stayed with me a few days. I think God wants us to realize that the way we view ourselves is not the same as how He sees us. Here are 5 lyrics that stood out to me that I believe God wants to embed in our hearts and minds.

1. You're insecure, Don't know what for

2. Being the way that you are is enough

3. You light up my world like nobody else

4. If only you saw what I can see

5. Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe you don't know you're beautiful

Matthew 14-15 says "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.…" We don't need to be insecure. God has made us the light of the world. A beautiful light set apart that shines and can't be hidden. God wants us to realize that if we could only let go of our insecurities we would see ourselves the way He sees us, which is beautiful. After all, we are made in His image. Who knew a boy band could shed such wisdom? :)

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